Security Dynamics LLC provides expert cyber and information technology (IT) security services to government and industry.  Our Cyber / IT Security Group has broad experience with managing risks associated with internal and external threats and network security.

The Cyber / IT Security Group can deliver a host of services to your operation, including:

  1. Penetration testing (PenTest) of LANS and WANS, including physical and virtual servers

  2. Expert utilization of state-of-the-art, open source PenTest tools, such as Metasploit, Nmap, netcat, nikto, burp suite, w3af, aircrack-ng, John the Ripper, oclhashcat, and others

  3. Option for vulnerability assessment and training associated with social engineering attacks

  4. Option for on-site and/or off-site testing

  5. Security audits and design and engineering of physical security systems for IT departments and sites

  6. Real-world and ‘red cell’ physical security penetration testing of IT sites – sometimes the greatest vulnerabilities are not cyber threats but physical intrusion risks

  7. Reliability testing of SCADA systems

  8. PenTest training for IT staff

  9. Employee computer security awareness, orientation, and training

Our Cyber Security Team has been featured in Wired magazine, The Washington Times, ‘60 Minutes’, and CNN, and has trained federal agencies, military units, and Fortune-listed companies in the US and overseas.  They have presented at major conferences, including Black Hat, Defcon, and Kaspersky Summit, and have ranked in the top 10 in national competitions.

Our team of experts are frequent lecturers and instructors to both industry and government, and have testified before Congress and briefed the National Security Council on security issues. 

Their backgrounds include service with CIA, Department of Defense, the White House, Army Special Forces, Navy SEALs, US Coast Guard, Justice Department, FBI,  Justice Department, US Marshal’s Service, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, various police departments – among other agencies, services, and private sector companies. 

Have our experts become your experts.

Success Stories - I

The Security Dynamics team was chosen by a foreign government client to perform what became a highly-successful security threat and vulnerability assessment of the largest fleet of private aircraft in the world.  This global fleet including both Gulfstream and converted commercial aircraft.

The audit included both ground operations and in-air security assessments.  Our team engineered a mobile passenger screening and x-ray platform and developed comprehensive security policies and procedures for the client.

Success Stories - II

Security Dynamics’ team members were selected by the State of Florida to perform a comparative assessment of commercial airport security regulations and practices against those found at seaports serving the cruise line industry.  The report was completed on-time and under-budget, and delivered to the Governor’s Office.

Copyright © 2017   |   Security Dynamics LLC  |  Ft. Lauderdale  |  Florida  |  33311  |  USA  |  +1 754.206.3791  |