Our CPTED Security Group focuses on securing critical public and private infrastructure using a multi-disciplinary approach to deterring criminal behavior through crime prevention through environmental design.

Security Dynamics offers the most experienced and well-known experts in CPTED, led by Senior Advisor Dr. Randy Atlas, PhD, AIA, CPP.  Our goal is to specifically alter the design of our client’s physical environment in order to deter criminal activity. Our CPTED principles of design help to protect the client’s built environment using customized strategies, such as natural surveillance, natural access control, natural territorial reinforcement, as well as changes in maintenance and activity support. 

Research into criminal behavior shows that the decision to offend or not to offend is more influenced by cues to the perceived risk of being caught than by cues to reward or ease of entry. Certainty of being caught is the main deterrence for criminals not the severity of the punishment so by raising the certainty of being captured, criminal actions will decrease.

Consistent with this research, CPTED-based strategies emphasize enhancing the perceived risk of detection and apprehension.  Our design and security professionals can use three basic strategies for security design, also known as CPTED.  They are Natural Access Control, Natural Surveillance, and Territorial Reinforcement.  Each of these strategies can be implemented through three methods: mechanical, natural, and organized.

Natural access control strategies are intended to deny access to crime targets and to create a perception of risks to offenders. Access control is a design concept directed at reducing the opportunity and accessibility for crime.

Organized methods of access control include security guards forces. Mechanical strategies include target hardening such as locks and card key systems. Windows may have protective glazing that withstands blows without breaking. Doors and window hardware may have special material and mountings which make them hard to remove or tamper with. Walls, floors, or doors may be specially reinforced in high security areas with materials that are difficult to penetrate.

Natural methods of access control make use of spatial definition and circulation patterns. An example of natural design is the use of security zoning. By dividing space into zones of differing security levels, such as unrestricted, controlled, and restricted, sensitive areas can be more effectively protected.

Our CPTED Security Practice Group includes foremost experts in security and counterterrorism, as well as architecture, engineering, and design, who have extensive knowledge in:

  1. Threat and vulnerability assessments/audits

  2. Risk and consequence analyses using a multi-disciplinary approach to crime prevention using CPTED and architectural design

  3. Guard force assessments/audits

  4. Physical, personnel, and information security assessment and development

  5. Security policies & procedures evaluation, testing, and development

  6. Security and fire systems & CCTV engineering

  7. Visitor access controls – design and engineering

  8. ADA accessibility studies

  9. Emergency evacuation plans

  10. Training, drills, and exercises

Security Dynamics LLC’s Senior Advisors have been featured on CNN, CBS News, NBC News, ABC News, The History Channel, NPR, ABC’s, ‘20/20’,  and CBS’s ’60 Minutes’, and are frequent lecturers and instructors to both industry and government, and have testified before Congress and briefed the National Security Council on security issues. 

Our team of experts’ backgrounds include service with CIA, Department of Defense, the White House, Army Special Forces, Navy SEALs, US Coast Guard, Justice Department, FBI,  Justice Department, US Marshal’s Service, Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, various police departments – among other agencies, services, and private sector companies. 

Have our experts become your experts.

Success Stories - I

The Security Dynamics team was chosen by the ruling monarch of a US-ally in the Middle East to design a massive National Security and Crisis Management Center.

In addition to the successful build-design, team members developed the organizational structure for a new national security council that reports directly to the National Command Authority.

Team members worked closely with each of that country’s government ministries and their senior officials, with special relationships created with the Intelligence and Interior Ministries.

Success Stories - II

Members of the Government Security Group performed threat and vulnerability assessments of this Head of Government’s home and offices, as well as the offices for the First Lady and other family members.

Physical, personnel, and information security issues were assessed, and a comprehensive risk mitigation report was produced.  Team members subsequently audited security systems upgrades and installations.

Success Stories - III

When the Crown Prince of this country grew concerned about possible hostile surveillance directed against he and his family, members of the Government Security Group performed a series of Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) at his home and office.

Due to the success of that engagement, the team members were further engaged to conduct TSCM sweeps throughout the Royal Palace Office Complex.

   CPTED Security Group

Copyright © 2017   |   Security Dynamics LLC  |  Ft. Lauderdale  |  Florida  |  33311  |  USA  |  +1 754.206.3791  |  info@securitydynamics.us